Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Beginning

IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME ....the epitome of human learning is reflected in this line ....yes it is true that everything that will hapen to me is a consequence of how i will take it up or view it perception about the happenings in life will determine my actions which in turn will trigger a series of actions which will set into motion the dormant side of the very thing that i aspire to effect...or may be not the so dormant side ..but it will defenitely have some effect which i desire ...whether the effect is with the same intensity or not is a different matter ....atleast this is a beginning ...all things have to start at some point in time or the other ......"WE LEARN" doing new things we will learn things will only take into effect when we begin somewhere here i am on a journey to discover what is more to life than the mundane things that i do everyday.

1 comment:

Tinu said...

woww..nice n logical!